Kde : Organic Farm Soběsuky
Kdy : 12. – 16. 6. 2024
6th editon of SACRED GATHERING Festival of Dance, Music, Connection
will be held in Organic farm Soběsuky
A festival with a unique atmosphere,
with a vegetarian diet, without drugs and alcohol, in nature, and supporting a self-sufficient approach and self-development
Tastings of contact improvisations, voice, movement and tantric workshops, massages, painting and much more await you. And of course lots of live music and new names.
JÓGA: Denní pohybový impuls po ránu prostřednictvím nádherných lekcí JÓGY a QI GONGu.
KONCERTY a WORKSHOPY: Pečlivě vybraný výběr denních workshopů a lahodných večerních koncertů, které vám zvednou náladu a inspirují vaši kreativní mysl
VEDLEJŠÍ PROGRAM: Speciální vedlejší program pro všechny ty chvíle, kdy toužíte po individuálním zpestření vašeho času.
A Čas pro sebe, prozkoumat, vydechnout, prožít.
LAEELA – David and Neelam / Germany
Brenda McMorrow / Kanada
Orka / Izrael
AQUARIO / Germany
Cristiano Martins – BIODANZA / Portugal
Pepe Danza / Urugway
YUNEA / Germany
Mikołaj Szerment / Poland
Ellaya / Izrael
Surya Singh / Indie
Leeliu Mak
Roman Kunčar
Ondřej Sedláček
Šimon Bellovič
DJ Karmakaaja
Lví srdce
Monika Amaee Trčková
Matěj Richter
Ivana Kolcunová
Aio Čichovská
Barbora Holoubková
Klára Hajdinová
Jana Silovská
Martin Atman
Václav Silovský
Dj Jobbi Tao
6th editon of SACRED GATHERING Festival of Dance, Music, Connection
will be held in Organic farm Soběsuky
A festival with a unique atmosphere,
with a vegetarian diet, without drugs and alcohol, in nature, and supporting a self-sufficient approach and self-development
Tastings of contact improvisations, voice, movement and tantric workshops, massages, painting and much more await you. And of course lots of live music and new names.
YOGA: A daily movement impulse in the morning through delightful YOGA & QI GONG classes.
CONCERTS and WORKSHOPS: A carefully curated selection of day workshops a delicious evening concerts that lift your spirits and inspire your creative mind
SIDE PROGRAM: A special side program for all those moments where you long for an individual addition to your time.
AND Time for yourself, to explore, exhale, experience.
WHERE: Organic Farm Soběsuky